Saturday, July 5, 2008
Nova Scotia or Bust!
We happened to get a complimentary slip tonight when the fuel dock ran out of fuel as we were being filled. We’re full except for 50 gallons (out of 800), so not a problem. We’ve been scurrying to do laundry (since we’re on a dock) and get ready to cross into Canada – find the Canadian courtesy flag, get out the Canadian charts and cruising guides, check out weather, figure out how to reprogram our radios, etc. It’s been pretty hectic.
Cell phone service and internet access will be spotty in Nova Scotia. We’ll be using Vicki’s phone only (302-528-6222). Don’t call Norm’s phone – we won’t answer it because we’d incur big time roaming charges. Keep those emails coming – we love the connection.
We spent four days in Castine Maine and loved it! It’s a town of 1300 including the 700- student Maine Maritime Academy – great experience of small town America –we did the 4th of July fun run yesterday followed by a parade and fireworks last night. Jeff and Karen Siegel, friends of Jim and Robin, were terrific hosts. They’re even storing alcohol that we couldn’t bring into Canada. (Limited to 40 oz liquor OR 2 L wine OR 24 cans of beer per person.)
By the way.... Today is the beginning of our 2nd cruising month. It seems like much longer than that!
Friday, July 4, 2008
These tides are "wow"!!
We went for a 3-mile run today. This was Norm’s first organized run since his back surgery a number of years ago and he did pretty well. He did not run in circles in spite of the fact that his left leg is slower than his right. When Norm was running marathons, he was usually in the middle of the pack and has some observations about his performance in this race. Here they are:
He never before saw the race ambulance backing into the garage before he finished!
He never heard people saying “keep going, you can do it” because if you are in the front or the middle they assume you can do it!!
He saw this young boy in front of him. He had to beat him because the boy was wearing an athletic shirt with the number “17” on it. That was Norm’s football jersey number. Well, he overtook him but at a water stop Norm languished and fell behind. The kid beat him by 30 seconds. The only saving grace to this is that the number was not 17. Even so, that little snot!!
Later that day, after Norm's ego returned, we joined the Roberts' for lunch/dinner and stuck around for the fireworks. We also imbibed in ice cream. One of us (I'm not mentioning names but he is in the red jacket) had two, yes two scoops of vanila fudge royal with moose tracks, black raspberry and snickers and a cherry on top. As you can see, we are wearing long pants, sweat shirts and jackets. It's cold up here. Making the 2-mile run back to the mooring ball was an arctic adventure.