We'll be home (Delaware) this afternoon. Yea! We've missed everyone. We're looking forward to being Land Lubbers for a few weeks.
A new water heater has been ordered. The old one was corroded and leaking from the bottom. That means no hot water on the boat until the new one is installed sometime after we return from Tucson. Until then we'll shower at the marina, do laundry using the marina machines and (most aggravating) do dishes by hand, heating water in the microwave.
Fortunately for the Dock B neighbors, we were able to shower last night at the marina in Cape May.
Good news - Vicki's hair stylist, the wonderful Lorraine, will do Vicki's hair Sunday so that she won't frighten Mom and Dad on the trip to Tucson next week.
Goodbye, sweet boy
It somehow seems fitting that we honor the one member of our canine crew
that lived his whole life in the spotlight of TakingPaws with his own
memorial ...
3 years ago